Office Address
Address 1 : 345-B, Hind Nagar, Kanpur Road, Lucknow
Address 2 : B 206, Silver Line Apartment, Ganesh Pur, Chinhat, Lucknow
Address 3 : 15, Shree Anandpur Dham, Dharampur ,Vishunipur, Balrampur

Additional Services We Offer

We offer following additional services as solutions to our clients.

Corporate Tax Advisory & Compliance

Corporate Taxes are annual taxes owed on the profits of a body corporate operating in India.

The key terms company is a domestic/ resident company or Foreign/non-resident company. The necessities relating to corporate income tax are controlled in the Income-tax Act, 1961. There are exact statutes for other taxes levied on companies. Kar & Corporate Samadhan make simpler and downsize the direct tax system of India is currently being appraisal by the government.

With a fair helping of obtaining necessary approvals, the Kar & Corporate Samadhan thump a pathway the client can safely follow through the ruthless situation of rules and regulations. This necessitate in-depth investigation of all areas. And where matters of tax go beyond with lawful and economic feature, one must be able to right of entry the suitable authority information.

Our corporate tax service contributions are modified to help out companies in get-together the challenges that such an atmosphere throws up. Consisting of a widespread management group of partners directors, our professionals are occupied in give an opinion both international and domestic companies on a range of characteristic impacting company, administration of tax hazard and in commerce with tax debate.

Tax Disputes Resolution

Our professionals have been preserving by or on behalf of a open assortment of partnerships, not-for-profit organizations, businesses, , individuals, and government entities.

They take pleasure in a very good reputation in the big business and official communities outstanding to their give evidence know-how, standing, and sensitivity. Kar & Corporate Samadhan work together to ensure your total tax structure is commercially associated with your corporate strategy. Kar & Corporate Samadhan expands complicated, sensible advice for running your total tax risks—helping you understand tax efficiency and convene statutory necessities.

Kar & Corporate Samadhan of the firm come into view & conduct arguments on behalf of clients before various courts/commissions/tribunals and other statutory authorities. The compass of work of the Firm in this locale of performs includes outline of summons petitions, plaints, written statements etc, drafting of petitions, applications, , petition relating to corporate, regulatory, taxation (direct & indirect), etc.

PF Registration

Kar & Corporate Samadhan offers hassle-free and affordable PF registration service to companies at their various stages.

Our PF registration services are professionally rendered with a minimum of fuss, and add value to your business proposition by being highly cost-effective and secure.

Although we ensure that our prices are always affordable, but in certain cases, specific estimates can only be attained after a discussion and understanding your specific business requirement.

With an unbeatable experience in providing highly efficient and affordable PF registration services to a variety of clients, we can ensure accurate results and fast turnaround times for all your business requirements.

ESIC Registration

Kar & Corporate Samadhan offers hassle-free and affordable ESIC registration service to companies at their various stages.

Our ESIC registration services are professionally rendered with a minimum of fuss, and add value to your business proposition by being highly cost-effective and secure.

Although we ensure that our prices are always affordable, but in certain cases, specific estimates can only be attained after a discussion and understanding your specific business requirement.

With an unbeatable experience in providing highly efficient and affordable ESIC registration services to a variety of clients, we can ensure accurate results and fast turnaround times for all your business requirements.

Monthly Payroll

Kar & Corporate Samadhan offers hassle-free and affordable Monthly payroll management service to companies at their various stages.

Our Monthly payroll management services are professionally rendered with a minimum of fuss, and add value to your business proposition by being highly cost-effective and secure.

Although we ensure that our prices are always affordable, but in certain cases, specific estimates can only be attained after a discussion and understanding your specific business requirement.

With an unbeatable experience in providing highly efficient and affordable Monthly payroll management services to a variety of clients, we can ensure accurate results and fast turnaround times for all your business requirements.

Other Planning

If you are planning for a development, rearrangement, or amalgamation and acquisition, Kar & Corporate Samadhan can help you decide which tax acknowledgment, discharge, and abatements and which economics and communications support services are available to you.

Further, a Direct Tax Analytic Review is a multinational package offered to our clients. This appraisal helps recognize areas of possible tax revelation and valve opportunities for tax reserves. Our tax professional also lend a hand you in making illustration before the proceeds establishment for get hold of tax allowance, break and looking for clarifications at situation as well as centralized level.